Anyone have some great Old Hollywood, Hollywood Regency, Vintage Hollywood party ideas?
I'm in the planning stages for a Spring Formal that I have to pull together for high school aged kids. Not many tables to decorate - mostly decorating the entrance and dance area.
Here are some photos for inspiration...

Did you see this post I did? I really like the silhouetted paparazzi. I bet you could do that out of cardboard inexpensively, and it would have high impact.
What about using the HOLLYWOOD letters somewhere? Another fun idea is the walk of fame. You could let the kids put their name in a star and add it to the walk. (I've seen stars you can order).
And of course, you can do something big with an old-fashioned marquee. (Photo backdrop, or entrance).
Looks like a fun theme to work with. Good luck!
My daughters work at a Cuban restaurant where they play vintage black and white movies up on the wall, that would be very cool. How about the news hounds that used to be around, they are the old version of paparazzi, using vintage flash cameras and taking notes on paper. Definitely a red carpet, you could make silhouette crowds.
I love those pics. If anyone can make it awesome it's you! I do have my red velvet couch if you want it for anything.
A marquee at the front entrance with "Prom One Night Only starring the students of SUCH AND SUCH HS...lights(powered by battery around the edges. Make it look like a movie premier with the poles and the gold string outlining the red carpet. Would be great if you could get the parents or chaperones to stand outside the gates and snap pictures as they come in. You could have a camera man and a newscaster asking each couple as they come in the same question. If there is a stage I think it would be fab to make a mountain scene and put the big hollywood signs on it leaving a gap behind the letters to run some rope lighting. I love the feather idea for a centerpiece on the table...maybe you could add some film reals(or homemade film reals to the center of the tables to stack the feather centerpieces on to make it higher. When they announce prom king and queen you could have like an oscar award and a podium and have someone say and the winner for best leading role as the prom queen goes to...... I also love the star idea that Kendra has...How fun would that be to have your own star. You could have some photo ops by blowing up Marilyn Monroe in her white dress and tracing it on playwood and painting it. If the place doesn't have a black and white checkerboard floor maybe you could get a piece of vinyl with black and white checks for the dance floor and temporarily put it down. That red velvet coach sounds like a perfect idea for the prom photographer to use as their prop.
I just looked at your pictures of inspiration a littler larger...the film real coming down by the entrance is so cute. It reminds me of the old printer paper that you can still get at Staples, Office Max, etc. You could get a box add the black lines and shape the end to put it in different areas of the prom. Should be pretty inexpensive and make great accents...especially in low lighting. I think it's called Line printer paper.
Hmmm how about Red carpet, or casino in Hollywood, that would be fun.
Well film and art, with some Hollywood traditions.
This idea has nothing to do with that, but my friend just had a party (in AZ, I couldn't go) that was a Mustache Bash. They decorate the front door and random things around the house with mustaches, and everyone that came had to grow, wear, or draw on mustaches. Boys and girls. Then they played pin the mustache on the pretty boy with a Twilight poster. SO FUNNY. I thought you'd appreciate the humor of the idea!
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