I was doing my daily search over at Hostess with the Mostess today and saw these fantastic plates. I am in love! I knew immediately that I had to have them but for obvious reasons I needed to have a purpose for buying them (Hello Derek? I fell in love with some plates today so I bought them for the heck of it. No, I have no reason for them. I thought I would just stick them in the cupboard and pull them out periodically to look at them and smile) The light bulb went off and now I am the proud owner of these too cute plates and Luke is having a superhero/comic book party for his birthday in September. Remember how much he loves superheroes?!?!?

I'm gonna hit the Internet and see what else I can find to go with our chosen birthday theme. I know for sure we'll be making some capes and other superhero accessories. I'm wrapping presents with comic book paper. The possibilities with this theme are endless. If anyone has ideas that they want to share please leave a comment.
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